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It's nice to “meet” you here! Thanks for taking the time to visit our site. We truly hope that you have peace and clarity along this journey of deciding what is best for you and your baby.


For us, our journey to adoption is a little different than some. Connor is our biological child and we haven't struggled with infertility. Over the years we’ve seen many friends and family grow their family through adoption, which over time grew a deep desire in us to do the same. So as we were praying about expanding our family, we both felt very strongly that through adoption our next child would join our family. So thus the adoption journey began. It has been hard at times with all the unknowns during the process, but we trust God has a plan that He is leading us on, and through it all we are so excited to have another baby join our family!


In our home study we were asked how we will love our children with a blend of biological and adopted children, and we can truly say that in our hearts there will be no difference. We won't see them through the lens of “biological” or “adopted”, but rather we'll love them for who they are intrinsically, and embrace the beautiful story God has for their lives.


Thanks again for visiting our site! We are so excited to put this together for you to get to know us better. Wishing you all the best.

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Profile Book

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We hope that you were able to get a snapshot of who we are and what our family is like. We wish you all the best on your journey of deciding to parent or place your baby for adoption.

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